We will be discontinuing our home deliveries service as of August 31, 2022. If you would like deliveries from Sigona's Farmers Market, we recommend using Instacart, or check out SigonasOffice.com for deliveries to your office.

Apricots, Peaches and Nectarines - Early Summer Stone Fruit Varieties

Apricots, Peaches and Nectarines - Early Summer Stone Fruit Varieties

Stone fruit season is here and nothing beats biting into a juicy, sun-ripened peach on a warm day. Stone fruits, also called drupes, get their name from the pit or stone found in the center of the fleshy fruit. This stone is a large seed, and stone fruit can be clingstone or freestone depending on how hard or easy it is to pull the flesh away from the seed. 

Most stone fruits are picked at their peak, rather than ripening after harvest, which makes them highly seasonal and available for a limited time. You can find stone fruit starting in May through October, but peak season is June through late September. 

Here’s some information about the first stone fruit you’ll see this year in your home boxes! 

Apricotsgrown in the US are almost all from California, making them a West Coast specialty! From May to July you will see this vibrant orange-colored stone fruit. Apricot skin is less fuzzy than peaches, and the fruit is smaller in size, a little tart, and less juicy. They’re extremely versatile; grab them as a quick snack or add them to your next salad.

Yellow peachesare delicate and tender, juicy, and slightly acidic. They’re known for their fuzzy skin and bright yellow-orange flesh. Whether you’re at the farmers market or the grocery store, look for yellow peaches that feel heavy for their size and most importantly, smell strong and sweet when you take a whiff. Enjoy these favorite summertime treats!

White peacheslook similar to yellow peaches on the outside but have white flesh and sweeter taste than their yellow counterparts due to their lower acidity level. White peaches tend to have a smoother, more luscious texture than yellow-fleshed peaches. Ripe white peaches will have a white or light yellow stem cavity. If you see any green on the flesh, that means the fruit is unripe. Store these in a loosely closed brown paper bag at room temperature to ripen them. 

Yellow nectarinesare also available, which aresweet with an acidic twist. Nectarines are very similar to peaches but firmer and without the fuzz! When you take a bite, you’ll notice the red-yellow color. You’ll be able to tell it’s ripe by its strong, sweet aroma. Nectarines aren’t as delicate as peaches, and make for a perfect snack, even if you take it to-go!